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Version: Stable

Quick Guide

Need to get started quickly with RaidProtect? This page summarizes the key information you need to know.

Welcome to the RaidProtect Quick Guide! This page condenses the essential information to get started with the bot. For more details on each feature, refer to the rest of the documentation. 📚

First, you need to invite RaidProtect and properly configure its permissions. This crucial step is outlined on the documentation's homepage.

📄️ Read Me

Once the permissions are correctly configured (without which the bot may not function effectively), you can start exploring the various features! 🤠

💬 Anti-Spam

One of RaidProtect's main features is its anti-spam system. It enables you to block spam attempts within seconds, without any manual intervention.

The anti-spam system takes multiple parameters into account to determine the severity of the spam and decide whether to take action. If spam is detected, the bot kicks the spammer and notifies you in the logs channel. 🙌

In some cases, you might want to exclude certain channels from spam detection. To do this, simply run the command ?settings allowspam #channel-to-ignore. For more details about the anti-spam system, refer to the detailed documentation!

📄️ Anti-Spam

💢 Raid Mode

Sometimes, a group of users may threaten your server, and drastic measures are required. Raid Mode is here to help! It allows you to temporarily block all users attempting to join your server. It’s effective but should be reserved for serious situations. 🤩

Activating Raid Mode is incredibly simple, allowing you to respond quickly to threats. Just run the ?raidmode command in any channel, and Raid Mode will be enabled. Don’t forget to disable it using the same command!

To make this protection even more effective, RaidProtect can detect a massive influx of new users and activate Raid Mode automatically (though it won’t disable it). If your server is highly popular, you may need to adjust the sensitivity settings—refer to the detailed documentation for more information.

📄️ Raid Mode

🚧 Captcha

Finally, we have RaidProtect's captcha feature—a popular and essential tool. Think of the "I'm not a robot" checkboxes. Our captcha serves a similar purpose but for your Discord server. It displays a code for new users to complete, stopping bots disguised as regular accounts (selfbots). 🕵️

This feature is entirely optional, and you may not need it. If you want to use it, simply enable it by running the command ?captcha enable. Everything else is automated!

If your server uses a Member role and a bot to assign it automatically (autorole), this might interfere with the captcha. Fortunately, we’ve planned for this. Check out the detailed captcha documentation to explore optional settings.

📄️ Captcha (Verification)

😵 It’s Not Working!

Whether it’s a malfunction or a configuration issue, things don’t always go as planned. Fortunately, we’re here to help! Start by checking the page on common issues in this documentation. If the problem persists, our team will be happy to assist. Join our Discord server to contact us. 👨‍🔧

📄️ Common Issues